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Tanzania - Buddhist Temple & Meditation Centre.

(The Oldest Buddhist Temple in Africa)

Buddhism is spreading on the world through clear understanding of followers. People are not converted or forced to follow it. They follow it after understanding. If one follows and practices it, one can eliminate suffering and attain full liberation. The Buddha also followed and practiced the same way and attained enlightenment about 2550 years ago.




Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Oldest Buddhist

The old building was completed in year 1927. It has two rooms, sitting room and kitchen. In those days the country was called Tanganyika which was a British protectorate.

Shrine Room and Temple Building

Until 1956, the devotees used the old association hall as a shrine room.

Resident Monks

Since then until 1983 there was no resident monk. All religious functions and other activities were arranged by devotees themselves.

Visiting Monks

Ven Palane Narada he was the first Buddhist monk to the African continent born in Sri Lanka.

New Monks Resident

New monks resident built and donated by Mr Thangavelu Nallavan Valli on 06.08.2016

Africans Attitude Toward Basic Buddhist Concepts.

Many young Africans who came from different countries study three years of a monastic course at the African Buddhist Seminary. After graduated they have a good idea about the main Buddhist Concepts in addition to studying comparative religions. Here I have submitted their own understanding of some Buddhist Teachings so we can understand how far they have developed their concepts to the Buddhist way. These articles are proof that their attitudes have been adapted to Buddhist Concepts....

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